Please note Saturday Deliveries are more expensive then weekday.

Middletown Florist & Gifts, Your Local Cobb Florist

Featured Floral Arrangements

Flower delivery in Cobb

We're a real brick and mortar florist located 7 miles from the center of Cobb.

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Middletown Florist and Gifts
21057 Calistoga St
Middletown, CA 95461
Leave a Review
Georgia JonesGeorgia Jones
3 weeks ago
With short notice, I was able to get flowers delivered. The employee assisting me over the phone was very kind and helpful. My friend that received the flowers loves them and said they are beautiful. I highly recommend this florist.
MJ DoggettMJ Doggett
10 months ago
They are absolutely wonderful and provide great communication, service and most importantly beautiful flowers. I live in the UK and my niece and great niece live in the Middletown area. With other florist it was always difficult to deal with them to get my orders in and confirm it. Middletown Florist made it much less stressful by being able to text them via messenger and they respond in a timely manner. They also follow through with my family in communicating with them. We love Middletown Florist.
LaDonn Morgan GarciaLaDonn Morgan Garcia
2 years ago
Middletown Florist is the perfect place for extra special bouquets and they have a wonderful variety of gifts! I bought some really nice dish towels. I wanted a tablecloth to match but they were out of the one I wanted. The owner messaged me and ordered what I wanted! Great service! Prices are great, quality and service is top notch! Highly recommend this business ♥️
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